MIDI MIXER is a digital interface device that allows communication with musical devices and computers to mix beats. It is controlled by an Arduino Pro Micro and made from a custom designed printed circuit board with 3 rotary potentiometers, a slide potentiometer, 8 push buttons, and 8 NeoPixel LEDs.
MIDI MIXER works by sending MIDI data (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) to a computer or synthesizer, which then interprets the signal and outputs a sound. In this case, AudioTool was used to mix beats. 
PCB Design
A printed circuit board was custom designed. Placement of the components considers the user interface needed for musical composition.
Enclosure Fabrication
An enclosure for the MIDI MIXER device was designed in Fusion 360 and laser cut on 1/8th inch plywood  and stained. 
Rave Performance
A rave was held at HackBerry Lab, where students got to perform their compositions. Additionally, each student programmed their own visualization in Processing that reacts to sound. At the rave, Zane Cochran's 'Event Horizon' NeoPixel matrix mapped the animations on a 10,124 LED display.
Processing LED animation:


